Hello Ladies,
I wish all of you mothers a "Happy Mothers Day!" I hope you have a delightful day. Maybe you will get a little bit of "Emma" reading in. I was such a great read for traveling into a different era. I was able to read it by the pool in Hawaii which was a real treat. My husband was reading Byzantium at the same time and it was fun to share each other's languages, quite comical really.
Well, our reading group will be at Sandy Kissells this Monday evening. She lives at 540 Sunshine Dr. You take Harlow road toward Eugene and Sunshine is just 9 tenths of a mile over the Gateway Interchange. You then turn left and it is the Fourth house. If you want to follow me, I will be in the Albertson's parking lot behind the Shell station at 6:45. If you are down to bring snacks please get ahold of Sandy at 541-747-7060. Otherwise we may just have coffee (which would be fine).
Please pray for Emily (my daughter) as she is to be induced at McKenzie Willamette Hospital at 6:00 am on Monday morning.
Happy Reading! Janie