"The pleasure of all reading is doubled when one is with another who shares the same books." ~ Katherine Mansfield

Monday, November 2, 2009

"The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd

Dear Ladies, I hope this blog all finds you healthy (and not down with the swine flu) this fine Autumn day. I read this book several months ago but thought it was a very interesting story. I am looking forward to sharing your questions and thoughts about it. Did anyone see the movie? I saw it and thought it was an accurate portrayal of the book.

We will be meeting at Summer Highfill's house this next Monday, the 9th of November at 7:00 pm. She will be making a delicious dessert for us as well. Thanks Summer.

We do have a new little one whose library we need to help start. Please bring a book for Scotlyn Rose Curtis, Heather's baby girl.

Hopefully you like the new layout of the blog. I finally was able to list all of the books we have read. It is quite an accomplishment. It is hard to believe that we started over 3 years ago.
Happy Reading! Janie

1 comment:

Summer H. said...

Hey Group!

Does anyone have the ISBN for the "A Christmas Story" book? I wasn't sure which one that was for sure..thanks!