"The pleasure of all reading is doubled when one is with another who shares the same books." ~ Katherine Mansfield

Thursday, June 10, 2010

"The Ishbane Conspiracy" June 10th 2010

Are we soggy yet?

I hope all my dear reading friends are curled up by a fire finishing

"The Ishbane Conspiracy" by Randy Alcorn and daughters, as

tomorrow will be time for gardening if the forecasters predict right.

(I'll believe it when I see it)

I'm sure we will have a lively discussion anyway, at the home of Jodee Taylor's. Heather is down to bring dessert so come with tummies rumbling.
(have I been around grandkids too long?)

We need to begin thinking about our book reading for September, October and November.

I have added our book list in case anyone wants to research. I have added a few books which have been suggested feel free to comment and add others to the list.

P.S. Don't forget about Angela Burrell's baby girl shower on the 18th at my home. After two boys this lady does need a baby shower. Her nursery colors are pink and brown, but I am sure anything pink would be appreciated.

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